Click or enter a character :
Wrong characters :
Place type :
Country / island :
Picture :


Game rules :

The purpose of this game is to decipher the name of a place randomly chosen from those present in the RevelaTerre web site.

To do that, click on a character or type it on keyboard. If it is in the name of the place, all instances will be displayed. You can make 5 erroneous propositions, the sixth is fatal.

The valid characters are letters from A to Z, hyphen, apostrophe, period and space. All the accents have been removed.

A few clues can help you if necessary : the place type, the country or island where it belongs, and even a picture. If you want a clue to be always shown, check the box beside it. If you do not check a clue but click on its link, it will be displayed only once.