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New Zealand
Maori name : Aotearoa ("land of the long white cloud")
(member of Commonwealth)
Area 268,680 km2
Population 5,130,000 inh. in 2021 (New Zealander)
including 3,450,800 in North Island and 1,058,500 in South Island
Density 19.1 inh./km2
Life expectancy Mean : 82.5 years    Female : 84.3 years    Male : 80.6 years
Languages 2 official languages : English, Maori
Ethnic groups Europeans (80 %), Maori (14 %), other Polynesians (6 %)
Capital Wellington (on North Island) : 202,000 inh.
Main islands North Island, South Island, Stewart, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, Bounty, Chatham, Kermadec
Altitudes Maximum : 3,754 m (Mount Cook = Aoraki)
Minimum  : 0 m (sea level)
Time zone UTC+12h (winter), UTC+13h (summer) Exact time
Currency Dollar of New Zealand (NZD) divided into 100 cents Conversion
News Advice to US travelers
Advice to british travelers
Advice to french travelers
Web sites
MlGeneral portal about New Zealand
EnDepartment of conservation (DOC)
MlCity of Auckland
EnCity of Wellington
MlCity of Christchurch
EnCity of Queenstown
EnLake Wanaka

En = English, Fr = French, Ml = Multilingual, Sp = Spanish
Lake Wanaka